Architecture Overview
To get a ChainX ID, an individual begins by downloading the ChainX App. The app stores their ChainX ID and enables them to use it across multiple platforms and services. The ChainX App is user-friendly, particularly geared towards crypto beginners, and offers simple financial features based on decentralized finance: allowing users to on- and off-ramp, subject to the availability of providers, swap tokens through a decentralized exchange, and connect with dApps through WalletConnect. Importantly, the system allows other developers to create their own clients without seeking permission, meaning there can be various apps supporting ChainX ID.
Once verified through the Orb, individuals are issued a ChainX ID, a privacy-preserving proof-of-personhood credential. Through ChainXID, they can claim a set amount of PPX periodically (ChainX Grants), where laws allow. ChainX ID can also be used to authenticate as human with other services (e.g., prevent user manipulation in the case of voting). In the future, other credentials can be issued on the ChainX Protocol as well.
To make ChainX ID and the ChainX Protocol easy to use, an open source Software Development Kit (SDK) is available to simplify interactions for both Web3 and Web2 applications. The ChainX ID software development kit (SDK) is the set of tools, libraries, APIs, and documentation that accompanies the Protocol. Developers can use the SDK to leverage ChainX ID in their applications. The SDK makes web, mobile, and on-chain integrations fast and simple; it includes tools like a web widget (JS), developer portal, development simulator, examples, and guides.
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