ChainX ID
ChainX ID is privacy preserving proof of personhood. It enables users to verify their humanness online while maintaining their privacy through zero-knowledge proofs, via a custom biometric device called the Orb. The Orb has been designed based on the realization that custom biometric hardware might be the only long term viable solution to issue AI-safe proof of personhood verifications. ChainX IDs are issued on the ChainX protocol, which allows individuals to prove that they are human to any verifier (including web2 applications) while maintaining their privacy through zero-knowledge proofs. In the future, it should be possible to issue other credentials on the protocol as well.
ChainX ID aspires to be personbound, meaning a ChainX ID should only be used by the individual it was issued to. It should be very difficult to use by a fraudulent actor who stole or acquired ChainX ID credentials. Further, it should always be possible for an individual to regain possession of a lost or stolen ChainX ID.
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